Late September and the temperature is see-sawing all over the place as we transition from summer into autumn. Predictions are flying from the Farmer’s Almanac about the coming winter. The general consensus is an El Nino pattern and a cold and snowy winter for Essex and Essex Junction Vermont. Winter is just around the corner and we are preparing to serve our clients in Essex and Essex Junction with one of a kind snowblowing operations focused exclusively on residential clients.
We are currently running call in discussions on AM 1230 WJOY every Monday morning @ 8:20–you can tune in to learn more about the service. If you have questions you would like us to address on the air please email We are also cruising through the neighborhoods in our service area making a database of all the driveways and the base pricing. This will allow no delay–when a client calls in or emails in we can simply consult the list and immediately respond with a price. We are about 25% complete with this project. We have also registered our snowblowing service with Project Evergreen/Snowcare for Troops to provide complimentary service for families of deployed servicemen or service women. If you qualify please register through their site and they will contact us–Thank you for your service. Renewals are out in full force and we welcome back our clients from last season. Like seasons passes at a ski resort the best deal on our service comes when you pay by October 15th. Please do not hesitate to get your renewal and payment back to us. This service works best for both client and company with dense service areas–concentrated driveways allows us to focus tractors in smaller geographic spaces and gives your driveway more prompt attention. We are offering our clients a $25.00 discount (unlimited) for every new client they refer that signs on with S & D snowblowing. In order to qualify for the referral the new clients must not be current snowblowing clients or current landscaping clients of S & D Landscapes LLC. We will be going through the equipment shortly and getting things setup for the coming weather. At that time, our tractors will be cruising through our service area to generate more interest and to answer any questions your or your neighbors might have. We have expanded our service area slightly–see the map below showing the neighborhoods where we offer snowblowing.
We encourage you to take it easy this winter and make the easy choice. S & D Snowblowing for convenient, environmentally friendly, fixed price snow removal service. (802) 922-7699
Think Snow.